Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Silat also known Pencak silat in Indonesia is one of the nation’s cultural richness that must be preserved from extinction. Pencak silat is a martial art  native to Indonesia, culture of local products that have a lot of understanding in it, depending culture respective regions.

The beautiful Indonesia martial art is accordingly cultural richness of Indonesia’s diverse martial arts certainly makes sense too diverse.  Often always synonymous with culture with culture fill with myth.
Way of thinking that people learn martial arts, is more due to reason of safety guard. For the community, there are greater things to acquired in studying martial arts, in addition to just getting the ability to fight.

Currently, learning martial arts was more on a desire to live healthy and fraternity. In the life of ancient times, people learn martial arts because of the social and the natural human need to have ability to fight physically. Even a person’s social status is also not free form physical force. The more a person or a powerful bruiser, then people will increasingly get a high position in society.

Currently physical strength is not everything, the beautiful Indonesia martial art of Silat tend to have a high artistic value sports, martial arts culture that became the pride of Indonesia as one of the ancestor. In the Silat arts there are also a variety of flow, because silat there are in various regions in Indonesia.


Silat Sendeng martial arts is purely a cultural heritage, especially in the Bugis society and Sidrap Sengkang, South Sulawesi, and as happens in other cultures in Indonesia, this Silat Sendeng martial arts also reap polemic because Malaysia has claimed the Silat Sendeng martial arts as part of the heritage their culture. In the history of this Sendeng Silat, the Malay people from Indonesia consisting of several tribes settlers who occupy different regions in Malaysia, one is the Bugis sailors, who at that time was known for his expertise belligerent with the fiery nature.   

In martial arts Silat Sendeng there is a step and bare hands to attack unique and practical. Silat Sendeng motion devote concentration reading and recognizing superimposed at the weak spot in the opponent’a goal. In this ranking defensive or aggressive manners does not depend on the opponent. Typical martial arts character of the land Bugis in the narrows space the step and movement known great and hard.


Merpati putih is empty hands martial art of Silat that align your heart and mind in all actions. Exercise Merpati Putih concerned with aspects of self-defense without weapons or empty hands. The parts of human body can be used as a weapon that is not less effective as real weapons. Merpati Putih then translate it in the exercises. From this great energy that can be controlled and can be raised at anytime. ’Initially, the energy comes in the form of rough energy, which can be used for breaking hard objects with the energy in.

Currently in the process of detection of vibration, rough energy of the body is actually refined and transmitted to the brain. From this process the energy is then released again to detect the presence of objects around him. Merpati Putih success in developing methods of vibration, amaze many neighboring countries around Indonesia. It is no less important is the Merpati Putih could also be developed for the treatment of health and sports health, Science of Merpati Putih Medicine is also able to cope with a number of diseases.

Breathing that we have developed will be used to treat diabetes, asthma, and heart. Through intensive training process, these all diseases InsyaAllah can be cured. The people has disease, such as cancer, can be cured but the process through vibration techniques.                                                     

The existence of  Merpati Putih, has given a new color in the world of Indonesian martial arts. Their success in developing inner power, it can provide benefits for treatment of healthy life. Silat as martial arts of Indonesia not only for Fight or sport.


This kind beautiful Indonesia martial arts is come from West Sumatera-Minangkabau. The community was thrilled by literature one is martial arts. There are various stream in Minangkabau Silat one was parried Kumango. Kumango Is a village located in the Batu cage Tanah datar, West Sumatera village full name Rao rao Kumango. Here Silat Kumango was developed.

Inside Silat Kumango emphasis lies precisely in the element of spirituality, today among young people who learn martial arts there is a tendency to give priority to physical elements and ignore even leave at all elements of spirituality or the soul arts. This tendency found in nearly all streams, not least in Silat Kumango, it can be proved by everyday realty.   

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