Sunday, January 20, 2013


Indonesia,, Indonesia,,, Indonesia,,, What do you think about Indonesia.?? That’s right one beautiful under developing countries in Asia. Economic growth in Indonesia running slow, the impact of finance crisis in the world. Unbalanced economic growth with population growth Indonesia make the situation become complicated, plus Uneven economic growth between big city in Indonesia with others place or small province. Most people from small province goes to some big city like Jakarta-Surabaya-Medan looking for the job and try his fortune.

This is because unbalanced economic growth in Indonesia. They leave the village goes to Jakarta with one suitcase hope. wuuuaaahhh,,, can you imagine how crowded in Jakarta. All the people pursuing his dream. They work hard to get their dream, start in the morning until night coming. Some people still try looking for the job, competition is very tight in big city like Jakarta. Employment opportunities are rare. Compared with job seeker. Created a greater jobless. Economic trouble that happen in big city, all prices bounced higher, made inaccessible to the poor people, social inequality ensued.

The fact some poor people is very difficult to live in Indonesia but in other side some people riotous spree,, or spend money for nothing. Indonesia’s economic growth develops gradually. In 2012 the government of Indonesia continues to increase Economic growth. Until it reaches 6,4 % on September. 2012, put Indonesia’s economic growth in the second position after China. But the fact is equality of economic which is less in Indonesia. Honestly is really difficult create economic equality In Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipelagic country spread from Sumatera until Papua. And with high population.

 Indonesian people are scattered across the country, some areas have developed rapidly but some areas are still lagging. But live in Indonesia actually still cheaper if we compare with the others country in the world, food, transportation, price of goods, gasoline. That’s why , if the people from foreign country come to Indonesia they can buy everything with their small amount of money in Indonesia.

 But still for some Indonesian people although has worked hard, extremely difficult meet their needs. Frequent price increases make do not make their needs fulfilled. At globalization era with finance crisis in the world, Government in Indonesia has tried to curb inflation. Actually we can always promote the tourism sector to increase foreign exchange earnings and income of common people. Indonesian People should work together for the progress of the nation.

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