Sunday, February 3, 2013


Jogya or yogyakarta,City located near Centre of Java already famous until  foreign country.Yogyakarta also popular with predicate of Student City or some people say jogya is culture city.Whatever they call Let’s explorer Jogya city as One of tourist destination in Indonesia.Jogya has history with friendly people full smile will welcome us.

At 1755 Giyanti Agreement divide of Kingdom Islam Mataram  become Kasunan Surakarta centered at Solo city and Kesultanan Yogyakarta that establish the palace in Yogya city, until now Palace of Jogya still stand as residence Kesultanan Yogyakarta and Family complete with all abdidalem that full loyalty with Kesultanan Yogyakarta.

The palace of Yogyakarta is center  goverment  of Yogyakarta.That’s why Yogyakarta become Daerah Istemewa ( D I ) or Special place area From Goverment of Indonesia.Now Explorer in Yogyakarta is interesting.Tradition and modern goes together in 

They are never leave and forget  tradition from Long time a go as History.Some people come to Jogya for Study.Learn about everything.Learn in educated School.UGM (Gajah Mada University)The famous University in Indonesia.Learn about Arts.They come to learn about culture.and some people from Foreign country come to Jogya only want to learn How is traditional dance .how to dance.what is gamelan.How to play Gamelan.

When we arrive in Jogya the atmosphere of Java we can feel it.situation.every body smile to welcome us.Jogya city one of cheaper city in Indonesia.When I come there everything  much more cheap than Jakarta.Food, accommodation, transportation etc.You don’t have to be afraid if you don’t bring enough money when you come to jogya.

Jogyakarta is center of Mataram ancient before and had civilization as a kingdom .They have so many heritage historic like Borobudur Temple.The biggest  temple in the world.If you come and explorer Borobudur Temple than you walk around, you feel never  ending.we had to going up so hight to reach on top of Borobudur Temple.But just feel Happy to enjoy Beautiful Panoramic around  the temple.We can see also Prambaban and BokoTemple as a heritage historic.

Explorer Yogya Indonesia not only see the Temple,we can go to Kota Gede.This city popular with Silvercraft. Silvercraft from Kota gede has the value of art.couse made by hand or silver handycraft.After we going around at Temple Borobudur explorer also of Prambanan temple and explorer how good silverhandycraft in Kotagede.We can relax on the beach.

We can choose Parangtritis beach to explorer .
Parangtritis beach is 27 km from South of Yogyakarta city.we can explorer Parangtritis beach in the afternoon before sunset come to show beautiful  panoramic arround. We can swimming maybe if you like,go ing around on the beach.There is also Temple near the Parangtritis beach.Candi Gembirawati or Gembirawati Temple only around 200 meters from the beach.When the sun go down we can see beautiful sunset view from Parangtritis beach.

IT’s awesome to explorer Jogya Indonesia in Parangtritis beach when the sunset come.
During the night come.Wooow is interesting to explorer Jogya in the night.Central activity jogya night  we feel in Malioboro street.We can try somefood in Malioboro street for our diner.there is so many choice Indonesia Javanese food,sea food for diner.There is also little spectac music when we eat in Malioboro street.Some singers will sing a song during our diner.Traditional song ,Indonesian song some time we can request International song also.There is also small gamelan that entertain us during diner.create our atmosphere with Jogya  typical.

That amazing Jogya Indonesia Explorer.We will get exotic experience in Jogya.Place is interesting,the price not so expensive.There is so many thing we can see in jogya to explorer our day.Tour of mountain in Merapi mountain Kaliurang,
tour of temple,Tour on beach or Tour Culinier in Jogya.
Whatever we choose for sure there is something interesting we can share with others people. Allright everybody come to see and explorer Jogya Indonesia. 

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